UnDerGROunD V1.1.0

Status: Discontinued(Who plays this game anymore?) 

Well this is the best map mod I have made so far. I actually made this for a SAMP server but I just want to release this to public. I am not new at this business but new at this forum. It seems to be very easy to make but it wasn't that much easy. I first deleted the ground part. My plan was to make it in Mt. Chiliad but due to some problem I couldn't and at the same part I found another place, near "Sherman Dam". Well the land model was perfect to be deleted but the real challenge began after that. I had done many map placing and couldn't stop them being misplaced a little. So to cover mistakes I used the model searock03 but after placing all then I knew that this file didn't had any LOD file so then I had to go to modeling and create a LOD file for it. It was very very easy though. Then just cover up the mistakes.  Okay the mod details now:

-2 runway inside.
-1 helipad.
-Lighting at the cave's celling.(I don't think that its light reaches even to the half way to ground)
-Most of the mistakes like gap in the ground are well covered.
-90%+ of total 180+ main models files(including copy) has individual LOD files so excellent draw distance.
-Map not disturbing the GTA San Andreas environment(except a way just above it).

Known errors
-Some gaps in between models.
-Some upward models of cave's back wall doesn't have LOD files.
-This map was meant for SAMP so the skimmer to be spawned in that place by game has half body inside runway and half outside.

No permitted to do anything with this mod except using it in the game. No uploading to other side by anyone except me or modifying it. If anyone want it for non modding purpose like for YouTube video then just contact me by email rmanu50675@gmail.com. I will definitely reply.


Direct download


GTAGarage: http://www.gtagarage.com/mods/show.php?id=26422

The GTA Place: N/A

GTA-Downloads: N/A

GTA Vision: N/A

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