Old but still up and running

So this is a Rockstar Game's masterpiece released in 2004. Yes I am talking about GTA San Andreas. A very awesome game for the passionate gamers. Well its been 10+ years since its release so it's not suitable to compare this to anything like graphical quality, gameplay, etc of games now days. But this is a special game. As its requirement is a lot basic according to the qualities of PC's now days and its multiplayer version requires less bandwidth many people still choose to play this game.

As a passionate gamer I can say that this game has got some juices left. This is probable easiest game to apply a mod to. Modding this game isn't so hard too but it requires some time to learn. I have written 3 articles about modding this game. You can read about them from the following hyterlinks:
i) Modding guide p1
ii) Modding guide p2
iii) MED Tutorial(Map editting)

The following are some sites from where we can downloads tons of mods:

This game can be used as a racing game, shooting game, flying game. Playing this game as a flight simulator is also a good idea but this games doesn't have interior functions in vehicles. But still the models can be downloaded with the detailed interior although interior are just mapped images and the devices wont work as real. Not to disappoint there are many mods in the sites I listed above which adds various functions like Airplane HUD, speedometer, fueling and many many more.
Cockpit view of virtual flight simulation using FLY US 747 and Oldair mod

Another screenshot with external view

If you are unknown to GTA San Andreas mods then its good time to start. At first download CLEO and then you can download tons of cleo scripts from the GTA Mods sites. There are other types of mods like model, maps, etc. You can download them and then install them as instructed.

SF airport extend map mod

There is another type of mods that modifes the binary files of game. They can modify the lighting system of game enhancing the gameplay. Some of them are called are called ENB mods.

Project 2dfx

SO this game has a lot to give to people despite of its missions. There are tons of mod out there which will boost the game performance and gameplay feelings.
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