The range of upcoming smartwatch from Revault has promised to bring down the storage from internet to local. These smartwatch's storage ranges from 32GB to 128GB. It will have has a 1.54-inch color display, Gorilla Glass 3,Bluetooth 4.0, an accelerometer and 802.11b/g/n W-Fi. Revault has promised that the data will be completely secure as it'll be using AES-256 to encrypt the data. User will be able to retrieve and store their data wirelessly from any devices like Windows, IOS, Linux, Android, etc. The watch will be available in Stainless Steel Tapered Band, Stainless Steel Mesh Band and Black Leather Band.
This watch is set to release in 2016. The initial price is about $199 for 32GB edition and $299 for 128GB. This project is funded by Indiegogo.
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