Transfer the android files over WiFi

So everybody knows that wires are irritating. And using wires in the mobile phones are more irritating. So there are times when we have to transfer files between our computer and other devices. So for this the most obvious choice is data cable. But it irritating to use the cable, seriously. If you are not irritated then you must be special one, because I do.

So in this case we can utilize the most basic feature of our android phone i.e. WiFi. For the transmission of file over WiFi simple method called Port Forwarding is used. So I am not writing a lecture here so just understand that port forwarding is used for this. There are apps that allows us to transfer the files over WiFi and I am not talking about simple file sending and receiving, I am talking about browsing.

WiFi File Explorer is a app that I highly recommend to all. This is a simple app. All we got to do is connect to WiFi, run the app's server and done. I have described the steps below.


All we need is app installed in the android phone. Now don't tell me you don't know how to do it.


After installing we need to do is connect to WiFi and run the app in our phone. After that the app will start serving then we can put the given address to any java functioning browser of any device in the same LAN or WLAN.


In phone

Just put the address as shown by the app


Note: SO this is port forwarding therefore copying file to the mobile is upload and copying file from the mobile is download. You'll figure out once you use it.


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