How to make download page in blogger??

So, basically the blogger users are either in strict budget, don't want to use  web hosting, want minimal settings or just love Google. This doesn't meant that bloggers aren't allowed or can't use the features that are available in other platform  like WordPress...

In this article I am going to demonstrate a by making a download page based on table for a blog. Its probably the easiest and only requires couple of skills like being able to use Microsoft Word, file's download link and just simple knowledge to copy & paste.

So as blogger isn't a fancy web hosting so we cannot really host our files here. We need to use file hosting sites and as we're making download page, it'd be great if the download link is direct. Yeah of course if you believe in ads and spam and whatever, you can use any file hosting, even

If you genuinely want a download page then you can use file hosting sites like Google Drive, Dropbox,, OneDrive, etc for download links. If the file is huge the get ready to pay for the space, or just use the ad based file hosting systems like usercloud...

You can create a download page without any links but it'd just be a page, but no downloads :p...


1) Now to design the page, just fire up the Microsoft Word and decide what is the dimension that you want and a draw a table of that...

2) Now add all the header and the contents like filename, version, etc in the cells...

3) Format the table to whatever design you want. You can change the border style, set a background picture, color, merge cells, etc... If you want serial number then you can easily do that by just adding numbering to any cell and then Microsoft Word will do the rest for you..

4) Now each time you want to add new file you can just add new row just above the existing one and if you have numbering then it'll auto adjust..

6) Now put hyperlink the the text that'll act as a download button. Here I have used Widows's Symbol of "Download".. If you want same then just do alt+128229..

7) After placing  hyperlinks, just select the whole table or whole page and then copy it.. Save the document for future updates in page.

8) Now open edit or create a new page in blogger and paste the copied items in "Compose"..

9) Now publish it and now you're page is live..

10) If you want to add new record then you can edit the page in blogger's editor or just update the saved file in MS Word and then again copy and paste in blogger..

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