Increase your internet speed by 20%.

Having slow internet is really a boring thing as we have to wait for page load, downloading, etc. But the internet speed we get from our ISP is not the actual speed we are supposed to get. Windows uses 20% of the available bandwidth for own system use. So what we are going to do is change the system reserved speed to 0%. So lets go:

This is like system overriding so, you may need to be logged on as an Administrator. I am using windows 7 here.
i. Open start menu and type in gpedit.msc . For win xp type gpedit.msc in run. You can run in win 7 too.     

ii. Go to Computer Configuration>Administrative Templates>Network>QoS Packet Scheduler

iii. Now open Limit reservable bandwidth.

iv. Now tick Enabled. Not configured means default setting which reserve 20% read help for more info.

 v. Now decrease Bandwidth limit (%) from 20 to 0.
 vi. Apply and then click ok. All done. 

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