SA Modding Guide - GTASA Modding Part-3: MEd tutorial

Introduction to MEd

MEd also called Map Editor is a modding program fully compatible with GTA III, GTA Vice City and GTA San Andreas. It can also be used for other games based in the file system of any above mentioned games. Mostly major modification of made up game are based in GTA San Andreas file system because of its awesome features. Some examples of these modifications are GTA Extreme, Snow Andreas, GTA Andrius Alien city, GTA United, etc. You can search these complete game makeups in various GTA sites. Just Google for it. Well I am getting out of subject, sorry for that :D. MED is completely free to download and use. Its latest version currently (March 16, 2014) is v0.32. It is much featured and very lite, hardly 4.1mb. Some of the unique features of this program are completely awesome layout, 3d map editing, fully functional IDE & IPL handlers, own “.img” and “.txd” file opener and many more. Now let’s get into the business, 1st download MED v0.32.

Modding with MEd?
This is very exciting and fun tool but as we all know that we cannot be perfect in 1st try itself. It is likely that we make mistakes couple of time. SO, in order to understand what this tool is capable, you must be patience and self-reliant (most of the time) because of the thing what you changed is not working properly then in maximum cases it is modders’/users’ fault. This program can modify your GTA gaming world. Mapping is very interesting thing, if you know how to do it in right way. Right way doesn’t mean pro way, simple basic knowledge is enough for making this thing interesting.

What to do? How to do?
Well, I am back at the subject now. I am supposed to teach you how to make proper use of this program. So, just note something in your mind; MEd is a excellent program it does all line writing and defining or registering your custom IPL and IDE files. You just need to have some basic understanding which you will gain automatically after some practices in this program. If you are able to do some independent mapping, even random one then you will gain a lot of information.
I don’t want to write more about this information only so, I will directly get into business now. Now simply understand this:

1. IDE file: This is a file which contains the definitions or identifications of various map items to be mapped. The can be opened very easily with notepad. IDE files have the model, its texture and it’s ID.

2. IPL file: This file has the coordinates and other things that maps the defined item from IDE file.

3. LOD file: This is the low detailed or low definition model or replica of original models used in game. The original models can only be seen from the range of about 300 units but after that range the original models won’t draw. This is the case why LOD files are used because LOD files can be seen from about 3000 units. So we need to place LOD file with the original model and then choose the correct LOD then we can see or the model draw from the long distance also. Most of the big map items have this file.
I will be writing a tutorial about these subjects:

In tutorial 1:
i. Creating a new custom IPL file.
ii. Custom mapping and putting the new item’s coordinates in the newly created IPL file.
iii. Properly placing the LOD file of the newly mapped item.

In tutorial 2:
i. Adding new 3d models from other GTA game. (Converted model, I will teach you this is modeling tutorial)
ii. Creating a new IDE file for adding newly added 3d items to map models.
iii. Placing the model in proper position.
iv. Adding other misc items like lamp post, bars, lights, etc.
vi. Placing the LOD files

Tutorial 1
As I have already mentioned that in this tutorial I will teach the beginners or starting process of MEd, let’s get started;
1. First download, install then open MEd.
2. Now add your GTA San Andreas directory. Simply click on add button in startup page then type in the name you want to display in MEd then add the directory where GTA San Andreas is located. (you can add VC & 3’s also but I have to modify GTA SA).

3. Now open your it by clicking on ok. At the process of loading, if the program crashed then reopen the program then your settings will be saved there. So open it then it will load fine.
4. Now understand some things; IPL tab has IPL files and as you click on any of the file then you will see the items of that file listed in the window in bottom left. Same is the IDE file. Scene tab has the IPL file and as you render any of those then you will see the models/map render like in game. You can render multiple items and all these items are rendered according to the game coordinates, so if you rendered all then it will exactly look like game itself. Rendering all is only recommended of you have very high performance PC, especially graphic card and RAM. Items tab has the coordinates and some other options of the items (If selected. Selection can be done by double clicking on any items in rendered map). Other options are not so important. You will know them after you use MEd for some time.

5. I am going to copy the TV tower of the Missionary hill, San Fierro to the San Fierro airport. SO, I have the item selected and then copied its ID and LOD file name. This tower is located in SFs.ipl.


6. Now I am going to create a new IPL file and place the tower’s new coordinated in that file so for that, I will go to the IPL tab and then click on New file button just below these tabs and then choose the location in the game folder to save it then name it (just save it anywhere in the maps folder). I am just going to copy so I don’t need to make IDE definition because the TV tower already has one. We can use 1 IDE definition in many IPLs but IPL line can place one object only.

7. Now I am going to render my newly made IPL. This is important because if you just place the item in this IPL and the IPL is not rendered then the newly placed item disappear. It will not be deleted but it disappears and as you render the IPL where the item is placed then the item reappears.

8. Now I am going to load/render the San Fierro airport IPL i.e. SFse.ipl. This is important because I have to know where am I placing my item. :D

9. Now just single click on your IPL file in the IPL tab then click on New button on the middle right. (Highlighted by no. 2 label in the above screenshot).

10. Now just search for the item you want to place. Here my item is TV tower and I am searching it via its ID i.e. 10357 . You can search it via its texture and model name too.

11. Item found, now just click on ok then place the item. You can see the item tab functions in the 2nd picture of this tutorial or click here. I don’t want to add more screenshots to the tutorial so I am nor copying the picture here.
12. Now time to select the LOD file. For this I have to place the LOD file in the same coordinates as the original file. SO, same thing. New item, search for the LOD file. The model name of the LOD of the TV tower is LODnsmitter_sfs01.

13. Now just copy the coordinates of the original model file then past it over the coordinates of the LOD file. After this it’s time to select the LOD file for the item.

14. Just select the original model (not the LOD) then in the bottom of the item, just above OK browse for the LOD file. Then select my LOD file. Here we are only allowed to select the file from the same IPL as the model. The latest item are at the bottom.

15. Now I have selected my LOD file. The LOD file is seen now also but in the game it will not be seen and after you restart MEd you will not see it here also but it is there.    
16. Now save your IPL.

Tutorial 2

In this section of tutorial I am going to add new model file to the game, add it to map section, give it IDE definition then place it.

First I want to make some thing clear; GTA San Andreas has its own 3d model requirement so, if we directly bring the models from other game without converting and place it in GTA San Andreas then the game will crash. So, I have this beach hotel 3d model, its LOD, textures and COL/collision files. But I am not going to add it to gta3.img or game’s own models archive, but I am going to create my own img file, add files into it, register the custom img them do the rest. I am not saying that you cannot import it in gta3.img but here I am doing in a little advance way.

1. Now open MEd, load your directory then click on Edit img archive button in right side home button in top bar.

2. Now click on file/new in the img edit window.

4. Choose the location to save img archive then click on ok.

5. Now it’s time to import files in it. Choose your img archive then just click on import files button:

6. Import the files. Here I have imported my files too. You may have to rebuild archive from file/rebuild archive.

7. Now it’s time for IDE. We have to register the models for mapping purpose so click on IDE tab in MEd and then New file. Name and save your IDE same like creating new IPL file.

8. Now click on your newly created IDE file then click on the New in the middle-left section. Now it’s little different here. You now have to select the model and texture files.

6. Simply browse for your model in your archive then just below browse for the model’s texture. After both selections you must see your textured model.
7. If the model has LOD file then you have to add the LOD model same as step above.

8. Now just save the IDE file then render any map then select your IPL. Click on New in IPL section. I have already described this steps in tutorial 1.

9. Now it’s time to select the model. You can search the model or directly select the IDE file the models are in then select the model.
I am placing the file in the same IPL I used in tutorial 1.

10. Properly place it the if the model has LOD file then do the same thing as done with TV tower i.e. place in the same coordinates as the original model.

11. Save the IDE, IPL and the whole Med arrangement.

Please keep on visiting for more update. In next article, I will be writing about Zmodeler2 and its tutorials.

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks you sooo much! Man, you are a god!i can`t wait for others tutos from you, specially thoses about modding gta sa.
    Pleeease! hurry!
