Adding blogger sitemap to Google Webmasters

Google Webmaster is a vital tool for increasing your site's visibility in search engine and hence generate traffic. As you submit the sitemap of your blog, posts and pages of your blog are indexed and hence more possibilities in search engine..

If your site is hosted by Google i.e. Blogger then there's no need to make a sitemap or generate it as your blog already have one. It's and sitemap-pages.xml. As they are meant for SEO, you might wanna skip this if you're planning to keep it in sitemap pages for incoming users.

1. Add your site to Google Webmasters and go to sitemap.
2. Click on Add/Test Sitemap.
3. Now you just need to add "sitemap.xml" and then "submit".

4. Repeat same and add "sitemap-pages.xml" and then "submiy".

5. You'll see this in both submissions.

Indexing is not an instant thing. It'll take one day or couple, but be patient as Google needs to update these thing to the servers around the whole world, it'll take time..

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