How To Create Photo Sphere/360 Panorama with Android Phone

Photo Sphere is basically a 360 degree panorama picture that Google added to Nexus device initially. They can be seen in vast number in Google Street view.  Although there are devices that are specifically designed to do this, our phones can do it too. It may not achieve the mind blowing quality but still they are decent and can be uploaded to Street View too. 

-A phone running android 4.2 or above.
-Gyroscope sensor

It is vital to have gyroscope sensor. Please check your phone spec before stepping ahead.


After you've downloaded the app, simply install it and then you'll see "Camera" and "Gallery" in your app drawer.

Now just open the camera app and then tap on the mode in bottom left then select the photo sphere icon.
Now after that, just align the camera to the dot for couple of second and then just rotate the camera to all the dots that are in 360 atmosphere. 
For the best result, try to hold the camera in same position and same height. Just rotate the camera, don't move it.

If your phone doesn't have gyroscope then you'll not get any photo sphere icon. See the photo below for example.

Now after you've finished, you'll see the image rendered in gallery. The 360 degree environment can only be seen in the gallery that was just installed. You can use the image in VR or just import it in Street View via Google Street view app. Additional to that, this camera app can be used as normal camera as well.

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